Sunday, June 16, 2013

An Ode to the Parental Figures

I truly am the perfect child.  Somehow, I am never home for this critical week that is stacked with family events.  My mother’s birthday, father’s day, and their anniversary all fall within the same block of time.  And I am always far away, enjoying speech nationals, or Chicago, or the extreme socialization for which I am renowned.  Sometimes life moves far too quickly, and I forget to be thankful for one of God’s greatest gifts: my parents.  As an example of what a gem I am of a daughter, yesterday I wished my mom a happy birthday. At three in the morning. So I guess at that point it really wasn’t even her birthday anymore. Oops. Anyway, I am writing this blog post now as a reflection of how awesome my parents are, and how truly glad I am to have both of them in my lives.  I now present to you three reasons why I am an incredibly lucky daughter. (There are more, but I will spare you.)
Reason 1: I never realized how rare my family dynamic was until very recently. 
            An article on law firm McKinely Irvine’s website states that in America, one divorce happens every 13 seconds.  Divorce is a very real and traumatic experience; I am beyond fortunate to have a mother and a father who are still together.  Their love provides a perfect example for me as I set sail on my journey to adulthood.   McKinely Irvine also asserts that the children of happily married couples are 14% less likely to get divorced.  A smaller percentage than I anticipated, but nonetheless, I feel that the goodness of their marriage has given me the tools to be successful in all of my relationships. 
Reason 2:  I thank God every day that I have not one, but two amazing parents.  Too often I forget how blessed I am to have parents that are actually present in my life.  I have a mom that devotes so much of her time to me, be it through a phone call or a shopping excursion, or watching a silly TV show together.  Moms are characterized with the tasks of cleaning and cooking and whatnot, and my mom does all that, but she also makes an effort to spend time bonding with me.  She is not only a caregiver, but also someone I can always confide in; someone I know has my best interests at heart.  How awesome is that? And as if that was not enough, God gave me a loving father who works hard all day to provide for my family, and then comes home every night to be with us.  I can say with supreme confidence that my mom, Sam, Christopher, and I have been given innumerable gifts and opportunities due to my Dad’s strong work ethic and compassionate nature.  Amidst his business, we still have many a late night chat, one of my favorite things! To have two devoted parents is something for which I am deeply grateful.
Reason 3:  My parents have an incredible ability to teach and forgive.
I am young, and I mess up. A lot. Yet somehow my parents find it in them to address my wrongdoings without making me feel like the spawn of Satan.  Their everyday actions are a constant example of how to be a better person, but they help me mature in so many other ways, also.  Since I was little, they have instilled in me a love of God and an appreciation of life.  I firmly believe my Catholic education has strengthened me as both a student and a human being.  Every step of the way, they helped me understand my faith and morality more deeply, taking time out of their days to talk, console, and give advice.  Without their kind and thoughtful words of encouragement, I would be greatly remiss. Even when I did act like a little sass-master and disregard their rules, they still treated me with love and respect.

I recognize this blog post is rather dull for those of you who are used to my words of a more random and bizarre nature. However, I felt it was necessary to bestow upon them the often un-expressed gratitude I feel every day.  To my parents: thank you so very much for all that you do! For everyone else: don’t forget where you come from.  Your parents are a part of you, and they gave you the gift of life! So come up with your own reasons as to why your parents rock! It is easy to pile up all the negative aspects of our familial relationships, but there is much love and happiness alive in them as well.  Hold onto that.


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