Monday, August 12, 2013

My Biggest Pet Peeves

 I was eating a lovely breakfast with some of my dearest friends the other day, and we started to talk about things that bother us.  For some people, eating near the bathroom is a traumatic experience.  Others are bothered by inconsistencies in grammar or poor theological conclusions.  My dad hates the sound of a fork clicking against one’s teeth.  All of these strange and specific annoyances got me thinking.  What are my biggest pet peeves? As it turns out, I think I am bothered by a lot of various occurrences.  I sincerely hope this blog post does not reflect my inner crazy too much.  Or do I?  *Cue maniacal laughter followed by a lone hiccup*

 1. Styrofoam.  … I don’t know what it is about this material, or the sound it makes, but the feeling I get when I interact with Styrofoam is comparable to that of nails on a chalkboard.  Even thinking about it makes me feel all squirrely inside.  I wish I could explain my aversion to this mysterious material, but alas, I have no justifications. 
      2. When people say “for all intensive purposes.” The phrase is “for all intents and purposes” GET IT RIGHT.
      3. People who sass me for not knowing song lyrics.  I just do not know them, ok?! That is who I am.  I cannot magically remember the words to everything, all the time.
       4.  Wearing two different shoes.  Even if they are the same height, wearing two separate shoes feels wrong.  I know this from my many failed attempts to be as mismatched as possible for all of the dress up days I have participated in at school.
      5. Wet things in my ears.  Like wet willies.  I get the worst goose bumps from that! Then again, that is probably everybody’s pet peeve…
6  6.  The word pet peeve.  What does that even mean?
7  7. All those random times in live when I get the shivers.  You know how they say if you have a shiver, it means somebody stepped on your future grave? I think of that every time now, and it freaks me out! Why does this happen to people?
   8.  Mosquitos.  Somebody told me the other day that scientists have proven that the world could be completely functional without mosquitos.  Essentially, the inflict itchiness for no finer purpose whatsoever.  WHY, GOD, WHY?
   9. When the peel on a fruit is stuck on so tight that it will not come off.  I hate this!  Because then you pull of the skin so hard that the sweet juicy fruit goodness comes with it, and ultimately you’re just left with a pulverized pulp that greatly resembles modern art.   I suppose there is some beauty in that.
    10. Clamshell packaging.  This is clearly the work of the devil.  It is IMPOSSIBLE to open up anything that is suctioned together in plastic like that.  This sadistic plastic casing is like an obstacle course that preys on my weaknesses as a product opener as well as my emotional stability. 
1   11.  Crumbs.  I really can’t stand being around old food; it is like ants crawling all over my body or something.
1   12.  When stores do not carry Parmesan goldfish.  Seriously, it is the superior flavor of all animal shaped crackers. Parmesan is the king! It should be everywhere.
1  13.  When lightbulbs burn out.  I don’t know about you, but I feel as if this happens to me at the most inconvenient times.
1  14. Buffering.  Also something that happens at the worst possible times, buffering makes any viewing party far more painful.  We live in the modern world, nobody has time for that thing called “patience”
1  15.  People that are only friends with me because I have a pool.  If you ignore me during the winter months, and then all the sudden summer hits and you wanna “hang out at my house,” I know something is up.  Can’t we just be friends all the time?
1 16.  Cats.  I like to meow, but all felines irk me.  It may be my extreme allergy to them.  Or perhaps I am just fortunate enough to have that as an excuse. 
1  17.  People who are mean. Make smiles instead of tears! Hugs not drugs.  Niceness, not ice-ness.  Poetry is not my forte.
    18. People who don’t pick up their dog’s poop.  I don’t want that on my lawn!
1   19. Waiting for the light to change to walk.  Statistically, one waits the longest at the crosswalk when they are carrying heavy things in unbearable weather circumstances. It is fact.

2   20.  Loosing only one earring or one sock.  What are you supposed to do after that? Throwing away its counterpart is a depressing reality

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