This is the link to my future.
It's a bit of an exaggeration, perhaps, but it's an important link nonetheless.
If you've noticed my absence from this blogging platform for the past couple of months, it's because I have been horribly preoccupied with my capstone assignment for my communications major. If you've been blindly unaware of the fact that I took a vacation, note that you are the reason for the teardrops on my pillowcase. My capstone project is about the psychology of color in advertising design. To examine further the human response to color, I've composed a collection of website and logo redesigns for the somewhat bland Craigslist web presence. I desperately need responses to attain enough data to answer my lurking questions about the power of color. I want to prove that color does make a difference in the eyes of the consumer. To show you just how much I care about color, (and my grade) I've created a list of things I would do for responses from you wonderful people. Please, just validate me with your loving answers.
What I would Do for a Survey Response from You:
1. I will donate not one, but three and a half klondike bars.
2. I will sing you a lullaby as you fall asleep. I have experience in the field of lullabying, and trust me: I've got the la la la's to get the zzzz's.
3. I will bring you a daily compliment on a post-it note. Warm fuzzies feed the soul.
4. Have you ever wondered what you would look like as an animated character? I can draw that for you. I can even render you in animal form, in case you have a deep and wonderful desire to be an Arthur character.
5. Dippin' Dots. You'll have yourself a whole bowl.
6. I don't mean to brag, but my grilled cheese sandwiches are out of this world. One survey response, and say hello to buttery goodness.
7. I'll pray a decade of a rosary for you, if you're into that.
8. I will write a blog post in your honor, complete with an acrostic poem of your name.
9. You can come over and play Karaoke Revolution with me. Who doesn't love screaming Evanescence's "My Immortal" into a plastic microphone? I might even let you win once.
10. I'll give you a free makeover, complete with facials and hairstyling.
If any of these prizes sound worthwhile to you, please fill out my questionnaire.
Here is the link again. ^^^
Answer it with friends, make it a drinking game; I don't care as long as I have results by December 1st!
Thank you for reading! :)